Sorvild Pale-Bear

Bulwark, Fighter
Age: 43 | Born: 10th of First Seed | Sign: The Lord |
Hair: White- blond with gray | Eyes: Pale-blue | Skin: Fair |
Height: 6' 5" | Weight: 260 | Body type: Stout, muscular |
While Sorvild’s size is imposing, yet he seems to have lightheartedness to him, despite the darkness that at times crosses his features and hangs in his pale eyes. He wears a mix of leather and plate, with one pauldron on his right shoulder, which looks worn and far older than the rest of his armor. He carries a great-axe on his back, a hand-axe at his side, and a broad shield on his arm when going into battle. His smiles come easily, and he seems a jovial sort, but his demeanor can turn frosty in an instant as if one stumbled upon an angry bear.
The son of a former guardsman, who retired to a smith's life, and a clothier, known for her finely tanned leathers and expertly made garments, Sorviild was born in Windhelm. The middle child with two older sisters and one younger brother. An adventurous and restless child, nicknamed Pale-cub, he came into adulthood, and his surname, a fierce-fighter with a need to find his way in Tamriel. While he had learned a craftsman's trade, along with wielding a great axe, axe, and shield, he couldn't settle for a guard's life in the city, so he departed for Whiterun to fight the reachmen, who were encroaching on the neighboring lands.
He made a home there in Whiterun, meeting and fighting beside fellow warrior Erisnhvir. A cunning woman with a quick wit and sharp axes. Their relationship grew over the years; fighting together, they became inseparable—Sorvild with a shield or two-handed axe at the ready and Eris with dual axes slashing and retreating. When word reached them in 572 of the Akaviri outside of Windhelm, they made haste to the city of Sorvild's birth, where his family still resided. They arrived before the Akaviri sacked the city and got most of his family to safety, losing his younger brother to the fighting. They joined King Jorunn's army, marching, and fighting until the Akaviri were broken.
When the two returned to Whiterun, they were married, and their daughter was soon born; they continued to do their duty for the yarl while raising their daughter. When Reydnna was seven years of age, Erisnhvir lost her life during a battle with Reachmen, who had attacked and burned a settlement in a neighboring valley. Despite all of his efforts, Sorvild was unable to save her. A widower, he set about to raise his daughter with the help of his in-laws.
When word reached Whiterun of the gathering of Pact forces, and the coming war in Cyrodiil, Sorvild spoke with his daughter, who at nine-years-of-age, had already proven as fierce as her father and cunning as he mother, and soon left to join the fight. Over the coming years, he fought in many bloody battles, surviving gashes, and more severe wounds, until on the bloodied battlefield, his company was overrun, and Sorvild was gravely wounded. But not for another Pact force that flanked and overtook the damned gold elves and the medics, he would have lost his life that day. What he did loose on the field was his father's armor, but for a pauldron, which he still wears.
Following his return to Skyrim, and retirement, he settled into life in Whiterun, where he was reunited with his daughter, who had taken an interest in becoming a Blacksmith. Recently, Sorvild has again traveled to Eastmarch and Windhelm at the behest of his niece, Sigrid, to meet an old friend and aid those facing troubles in the east.
Shield-bearer: Being a veteran of many battles, Sorvild has been known for his capacity to protect others, taking on opponents with shield and hand-axe, leveraging his height and bulk when he fights.
Two-handed weapon: Sorvild has long used a great axe, since he was young. He is quick to draw it from his back and wade into a fight wielding the massive weapon.
Military tactics: After battle after battle, big and small, including being a veteran of The Three Banners War, Sorvild has a mind for strategy.
Hunter: One must eat. To that end, Sorvild can hunt down a meal, and is adept with bow and arrow. Once the animal is caught, he also can prepare hides, as he learned from his mother.
Carpenter: Sorvild is adept at woodworking. Despite his skills and knowledge, he’s picked up over the years, he’s more apt to help build a house, or create a new shield, or whittle statues of animals than create ornate furniture. He is all about the practical.
Other likes include fishing and swapping stories over a drink.
Sorvild is a protector at heart, and being that he feels he failed his wife, Erisnhvir on the battlefield, can be reckless when coming to the aid of others.
He can be stubborn when set on a course that he believes is correct, whether or not that is the case.
After years fighting Reachmen and seeing their foul magic, he has a dislike for any of their kind, bordering on hatred. For those he’s had to work or fight beside, he is distrustful and slow to accept.
Sorvild has healed from many wounds over his life, having the scars to show, but the grave wound he received in Cyrodiil to his chest and shoulder still aches, especially on cold-wet days, of which there are many. While he has mobility in the joint and strength in his arm, the scar tissue pulls and arthritis is setting in.
Daughter: Reydnna
Niece: Sigrid
Friend: Valkyrie
Bandits causing problems? Reachmen encroaching? Need a strong fighter to help with a cause? Sorvild maybe your man.
Need a gift for a child? Some may notice Sorvild whittling/carving detailed small wooden animals from time to time. Once his carving is finished, he will often give them to local children.
Hello, thanks for reading. If you’re interested in learning more about my character or would like to RP, contact me below.
In-Game: (PC-NA) @Vil_Kardos
Discord: Vil#5696
Have a good one.